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Frequently Asked Questions

Q. If a student is a minor, must faculty obtain a waiver from the student’s parents?
A. Yes, for minor students (under the age of 18) waivers from their parents or guardians are required.

Q. What must a waiver or release contain?
A. Waivers and releases should contain a description of the activity.  For higher risk or hazardous activities, a specialized release with a more detailed description of the specific risks should be used.

Q. Where can I find an approved waiver/release?
A. A general waiver is available under external links in Blackboard and also on our webpage.  If you need assistance in choosing a waiver or formulating a waiver for high risk activity, please call the Office of University Counsel at 2-6693.

Q. What happens if I don’t have students/participants sign a waiver before participating in an activity/trip?
A. If YOU or EKU are sued or a claim is otherwise made for injury to a participant and you have failed to obtain a release from that participant, it is possible that EKU will likely NOT indemnify you and it is possible that you may be subject to disciplinary action, including termination.

Q. What is a "high risk activity"?
A. An activity that requires physical activity or any special skills in order to participate.  High risk activities also include any trips or programs that involve international travel.  These activities require a more specific waiver.  Please contact the Office of University Counsel at 2-6693 if you need a high risk waiver.

Q. What is a "low risk activity"?
A. A low risk activity is one that is inherent to being a student at EKU such as on-campus meals, on-campus speakers, on-campus concerts, etc. These activities usually do not require waivers.

Q. May a faculty member ask students to provide transportation to other students (i.e., carpool)?
A. It is not appropriate to ask students to transport each other.  It is better to hire a van to transport them to the destination or to simply announce that students are on their own to get to the destination.

Q. If the students arrange to use their own personal transportation, would the University still be liable?
Generally not, as long as the activity is voluntary.

Q. Is the faculty member covered by the University’s insurance if they drive their own car?
If an individual opts to use their own personal auto for EKU-related business, their personal auto insurance is primary and EKU will NOT reimburse for deductibles, physical damage to the vehicle or any surcharges to insurance premiums resulting from accidents or violations cited while on EKU business.

Q. If a student or faculty member’s personal property is lost or damaged while on a trip will the University cover the cost?
No. Students and employees are strongly encouraged to have insurance to cover their own personal belongings and property.  The University has no responsibility for any theft, damage, destruction, loss, etc., of any personal property, including but not limited to, money, valuables or equipment belonging to or in the custody of the student or employee whether caused by intentional or negligent act, failure to act, natural causes, fire or other casualty.

Q. What do I do if a participant is injured during a trip or program?
Be sure the participant receives immediate medical attention that may be necessary.  Please also contact the Office of the EKU Claims Specialist to report the injury. 

Q. What does a student do if they a disability that affects their participation in the activity/trip?
If the student is currently registered with the Center for Student Accessibility (CSA) or have a condition that may require accommodations in order to participate or attend this activity fully, please contact the faculty member or employee who is facilitating the activity and contact CSA in the Student Services Building Room 361 by email at or by telephone at (859) 622-2933.  The University will make every effort to make the activity fully accessible.  However, some elements may be out of the control of EKU and therefore, alternative options may need to be discussed with the facilitator and the CSA.

Q. I have the required form(s) signed by the student or appropriate parent/guardian. Now what do I do with them?
A. If the travel is local, keep the originals in your office. There is no need to provide a copy for anyone else. If travel is overnight or out of state, then keep the originals in your office and leave a copy in the department office PRIOR to the trip. Medical forms - a copy needs to be taken on the trip and a copy made for and left with the department office PRIOR to the trip. Maintain all originals and then destroy by shredding due to personal information.

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